
Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Abdullah’

Crazy Like a Fox


Karzai Rival Won’t Participate in Runoff Ω

This man is crazy. Like a fox.

After hundreds of thousands of ballots (in a country of five million people) were found to be fraudulent (all in favor of Karzai, oops!), the U. S. and the U.N. look on approvingly while preparations are made to hold the election again, using the same (Karzai-appointed) election officials as the last (fraudulent) election.

While the inmates were busy running the asylum, Dr. Abdullah deftly removed the straight-jacket they attempted to put him in. He simply refused to participate in another round of fraud, thereby stripping them of their aura of legitimacy.

Genius. Sheer…genius.

It’s the perfect solution, guaranteed to throw Karzai and everyone backing that karacul-wearing used camel salesmen into a tizzy. Now they’ll have to either–

A. Pony up millions of dollars to pay for an election only one candidate is participating in, or

B. Cancel the election and leave their favorite sleazy pawn standing alone, reeking with the stench of illegitimacy.

Either way,  they’ve all got egg on their faces. Congratulations, Dr. Abdullah. My karacul is off to you.

To view the chronicles of the ACORN branch of Afghanistan, click here.

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